Judy Grochowski is a leo sister. Her birthday is August 12th. She is one of the hero teachers I met when I was coordinating the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design's outreach programs. I have a very crowded pedestal full of teachers who care way more than most people even know there is a need for caring, Judy's on it. She was the first person to write me back about this project.
She wrote:
My favorite charity is the Norwich Mission House in Port Au Prince, Haiti. My daughter and I did a mission trip there a few summers ago and it was an incredible experience....they are supported by the Norwich Diocese of Norwich, Conn. As a matter of fact, the priest from the Mission House is coming to Our Lady of Lourdes Church (Milw-58& Forest home) on Aug 22 for a fundraising spaghetti dinner. He will speak and provide an update on the state of affairs in Haiti currently.
Here is the thing, back in 1986, when I was a senior in HS I was supposed to go to Haiti with a dentist my mother knew who ran a free clinic there, but in Februarythere was a huge coup that finally over through the Duvalier family and the trip was canceled. I still feel like Beethoven was playing a scale and didn't hit the last note. When I got this email from Judy I realized I still need to go to Haiti. Hmmm. I called the group she mentioned, confessed that I'm not catholic and asked if I could come with them. They are gonna put me on a wait list. If any of you want to come with I would love to share the experience with someone I know.
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